Penis enlargement

The men are all in search of different ways to increase the size of their "dignity". These ways range from the suspension of special cargo, the use of vacuum pumps to surgical intervention. But the goal is always the same – to have a bigger dick.

Penis enlargement: think twice before venturing

penis enlargement

As in the case of breast implants, the surgery to increase the penis correspond to the cosmetic surgery. However, they have never been recommended or endorsed by the American urological Association.

Not a single booklet or a video touting the operation to increase the penis, do not tell me that the risk of this procedure is far superior to the final result.

Initially this type of surgery was developed for people with congenital anomalies, such as underdeveloped penis or bladder problems. These operations were not intended for a widespread use in cosmetic penis enlargement. Unfortunately, later, emerged a whole industry of plastic surgery is designed for countless men, unhappy with the size of his cock. There are a number of problems.

Many doctors are opening up their schools for the improvement of the penis and advertise their services in magazines and Newspapers for gay men. Them threads are men, and the dream of a big cock. Thousands of patients subjected to exploitation, many complain that his dick mutilated (lost form). Therefore, these centres are closed as often as open. Many surgeons lose their license and/or no longer practicing.

What is the operation to increase the penis?

This type of surgery includes 4 treatments, none of which in fact do not increase the length of the penis. The first procedure of dissection of the suspensory ligament that secures the penis to the pubic bone. This method gives only a visual effect and increases the penis only in the relaxed state. In the erection of the member after an operation does not accept a vertical position that ensures the suspensory ligament. This fact causes a number of problems during sexual intercourse. In addition, in the base member in the region of the suspensory ligament are many sensitive nerves. During the surgery these nerves can be damaged.

The next stage of the – V-Y or Z plasty of the skin of the mons pubis. The curious name of the operation, in which the base of the penis is added to the skin. This type of "insert" necessary to close the area of incision suspensory ligaments and create the appearance of lengthening of a member in comparison with the level of the scrotum. Even though the incisions are made in the region of the pubes, covered with hair, very often, it all ends in horrible scars and a hairline fracture. One of the most common side effects of this treatment of keloid scars.

The third aspect of the thickening of the penis. Initially it was achieved with the injection of adipose tissue under the skin of the penis. This procedure was not efficient enough, because fat tissue has the tendency to resorption. Due to the fact that the process of destruction of the cells occurs with different degrees of intensity, the penis may be deformed due to the uneven thickness of the layer of fat in different places. Another option for thickening treatments – transplanted under the skin of the penis skin-fat flaps, which often are taken from the gluteal region. But it gets worse: in order to transplant the tissue, the skin covering the penis, you must first remove. After the transplant, the surgeon returns the skin to its original state, pulling it to the transplanted skin and fat flaps. As in the previous case, the amount of fat absorbed, and the surface of the penis becomes rough. In addition, very often after operations on the skin of the penis leave scars.

And finally, the last procedure of liposuction of the pubic region, allowing to create the appearance of increased size of a member in comparison with a belly. Initially liposuction was performed not only to make the pubic region, is flat, but to use the drained fat for injections under the skin of the penis.


Surgery to increase penis includes 4 treatments, none of which in reality do not increase in size.

After surgery many patients are left with deformed, covered with scars genitals that have broken away from the sensitivity.

Many surgeons, who carried out the operation to increase the penis there are a large number of claims for professional negligence.

My penis is too small?

Although very few men are satisfied with the size of your penis, the majority of them are "normal" guys. The average penis size of an adult male is 15 cm. the size of the member depends on genetic factors, as well as the belonging to a certain race. Almost 95% of men penis size in erection is 12-18 cm the accuracy of the measurement of the length of the penis is affected by different factors, including the strength with which you press on the pubic region, during the measurement.

the enlargement of the penis.

As effective of this operation?

Essentially, this type of surgery only creates the appearance of increased penis. Its length is not actually changing. It is only an illusion, besides is very expensive. Liposuction of the pubic region really gives an aesthetic effect to the holders of the abdomen. But in spite of this, is also a high probability that these procedures can lead to scars, decrease of the sensitivity of the penis, its deformation.

Don't be fooled! Don't do this! Your penis will soon become a formless, which is great.


- Increase of the penis is fraught with more serious danger, there is very little use.

- Don't do it!