Penis enlargement

As well as numerous anonymous surveys, the majority of men would like to increase the size of your penis. Many of them want to improve its visual attractiveness and for more expressive gender, but in some cases penis enlargement is the only method of treatment. Unsatisfied condition causes stress and prolonged depression in men.

Is it possible to enlarge penis?

how to increase the member

Genitals of men can be increased in several ways. For example, this can be done through exercises that are based on the technique of capture and the stretching of the penis. The member should be tightly clasp the base of the thumb and the index, to pull the head, and then perform a hand movement from the base of the head of the penis. This simple exercise should be performed several dozen times a day. According to experts, the year it stops the message between the vessels, cavernous and spongy body of the penis, and due to the movement of the hands of blood to the head body by stretching the erectile tissue, which actually leads to an increase of the penis. The authors of these methodologies claimed that after six months of training, the body reproductive is the increase of 5-7 cm.

This penis enlargement method is absolutely safe, but unfortunately ineffective. After all, completely little body cavernous, had to exercise this kind of pressure, which would be significantly higher threshold of pain. In addition, as with any organs, the erectile tissues can not grow after growth (with the exception of the skin and muscles).

A type of method of penis enlargement exercises are a special ring, that is stretchy attachments that pull the base of the penis. They are usually used to increase the duration of erection, but some men use these rings for the penis enlargement. Don't forget that if a normal erection of increased blood pressure in the cavernous bodies, but does not stagnate in them. But the use of the rings that can cause congestive processes in the penis and vascular thrombosis, which may lead to serious health problems.

A common way to increase the body reproductive of men is the use of an empty glass. The principle of operation is the same as in the previous case, that is to say: the blood runs to special entities, making them stretch. Sometimes, erectile dysfunction as andrologists really suggested to use a vacuum massagers to improve blood flow to the genitals, but this unit is absolutely useless for penis enlargement. In addition, excessive use can cause cracks in the glans penis, which are very hard and very long to heal. And if it is a mistake to establish the level of pressure, this can result in broken capillaries. In this case, because if the indentation does not change the size and color of the penis.

One of the more radical methods to lengthen the penis is the use of local funds, or tablets with a high content of steroid hormones. Of course, because of the danger of the uncontrolled use of these drugs is strictly forbidden and can only be bought through shopping online. However, the men who seek in any way to enlarge the penis, do not be afraid of such "trifles" as stomach ulcers, infertility, depression and psychoses, BPH and malignant tumor caused by excessive use of drugs steroids. Unscrupulous sellers of these funds to ensure that the drugs based on testosterone, doctors use to treat micro-penis (stop development of the penis during adolescence due to lack of testosterone). But they forget that an increase in the size of the penis, in addition to hormone levels, affect more genes.

As You know, several "traditional" methods of penis enhancement of men does not lead to anything good. Currently in medicine is not only the most effective method of penis enlargement. It is the combination of the method that combines the surgical intervention and the use of special devices extender. The first is the operation during which release the hidden part of the penis. Basically, the length of this hidden part of the member ranges between 3 and 5 cm, With the help of simple manipulations surgical at the intersection of the ligaments to release the hidden part, by increasing the penis about 3-5 cm in length.

the enlargement of the penis.

Many believe that this increase of the genitals is complete. But few know that some time the body will have a natural "opposition", trying to get things in place. To avoid this, it is recommended to use the extender. With this, the sexual organ of men is fixed in the position, but fixing it will take some time, about 3-5 months to six months. It should be noted that the use of the extender during this period of time not to limit the sexual activity. 6 months after the operation, the man can still carry out an operation to thickening of the penis. But, as a general rule, the representatives of the stronger sex already after the first surgery satisfied with the results. Special attention will be given to the underwear. Underpants it is advisable to choose free. If the extender is pointing down, narrow pants will tighten it, reducing the tension on the hose. In addition, this clothing is simply impossible to bring the extender up. The pants should also be free. If you use the extender on the job, in this case, it is necessary to give preference to pants.