Methods of penis enlargement.

In different degrees, the majority of the male population are worried about how to increase the member of the folk remedies? Many experts are skeptical of alternative methods of correction of the dimensions of the penis.

However, the true testimonies of the people prove that with the help of special exercises and equipment to increase the member is still possible. Folk remedies for penis enlargement are qualitatively different from those offered by the manufacturers of various drugs and special stretchers.

the enlargement of the penis folk remedies

The composition of the special infusions and decoctions only contains natural ingredients that do not cause damage to the organs of detoxification. On the day the publication is considered the most safe methods of increase of a phallus, with the help of which you can change the diameter and the length of the penis and strengthen the erection.

The experts

It is possible to increase the penis folk remedies? Experts in the field of reproductive medicine and andrology believe that the most effective method of correction of the size of reproductive organ is plastic. However, this does not exclude the possibility of using alternative media for the purpose of thickening and a lengthening of the penis of the man.

As a result, even with the help of decoctions and infusions based on herbs and some foods can increase the member approximately 2-3 cm in order to understand why this is so, it is necessary to consider some features of the structure and functioning of the male genitalia.

The penis consists of muscle tissues, spongy structures (cavernous body) and blood vessels. During puberty the body of the boy begins to undergo a large amount of male hormones that stimulate the development of the body reproductive. In turn, the deficiency of testosterone in the blood affects the growth of tissues, resulting in the parameters of the phallus suffer small modifications. But if an adult for a long time to use growth stimulants, with the time this will result in the lengthening and thickening of the penis.

Traditional medicine offers several effective methods of correction of the volume and length of the penis. Manual therapy is more focused on the improvement of the blood circulation in the groin area, reducing trophic tissues. The acceleration of the metabolism and mechanical stretching of the penis involves the formation of new tissue elements in the corpora cavernosa. And this, in turn, eventually leads to the lengthening and thickening of the genitals.

Penis enlargement methods

In the opinion of experienced men, the enlargement of the penis folk remedies– the easiest and safest method of correction of the size of the penis. The effectiveness of therapy depends to a large extent of the regularity of the use of certain promoters of growth. The most effective folk methods of penis enlargement are:

  • the medicinal herbs;
  • hanging goods;
  • manual therapy (massage);
  • vacuum the vacuum;
  • for a healthy diet.

To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to combine several methods of correction of the penis. It is desirable to listen to the advice of experienced men, and to comply strictly with all the rules of the carrying out of physiotherapeutic procedures.

You need to understand that the improper execution of the exercise is full of violation of the circulation of the blood in the penis and damage to the tissues.

As a result, this can lead to sexual disorders or decreased sensitivity of the head of a phallus.


Special exercises enlarge the penis, but only in the case of regular manual therapy. During the exercises, the stretching of the fabric of the tunic that surrounds the corpora cavernosa. With time, the void is filled with new structural elements, which increases the length and the diameter of the barrel member.

the enlargement of the penis.

Before how to enlarge penis with exercise, it is desirable to heat tissue in the groin area to increase its elasticity. You can use bags filled with tepid salt or hot compress. Improves circulation of the blood, you can safely stretch fabrics without fear of damage. During the self-massage is recommended to perform the following exercises:

  • grasp the head of a phallus, pull to the right, pausing in their position for 1 minute;
  • in the same way pull the penis to the left;
  • grab your dick near the base;
  • slow motion push blood closer to the head of the penis;
  • repeat this exercise at least 10-15 times, and then press the penis to restore the blood circulation.

To improve the sliding of the fingers along the trunk of the phallus, apply a small amount of massage oil or vaseline.

Penis enlargement exercises, you need to "listen" to your body. During the massage, the member must not result in the discomfort and the pain. To lengthen the phallus 3-4 cm, do the massage at least 3 times a day for six months.

Herbal medicine

The people's medical manual contains no less than 100 different receptor preparations of decoctions and infusions, which can be increased and the length and diameter of reproductive organ. According to the supporters of the traditional medicine, the herbs have a beneficial effect on erectile function and stimulate the production in the body of male hormones. Probably to increase the member, using the special tools as raw materials for making decoctions use the following herbs:

  • the root of ginseng – prevents the synthesis of cortisol, which depresses production in the body of male hormones;
  • Tribulus – stimulates the body especially the hormones, which promote the release of testosterone in the blood;
  • tarragon – improves the tone of blood vessels, which increases blood supply of the penis in erection;
  • ginger root – reduces body cholesterol and prevents blockage of the dorsal arteries special plates;
  • aloe Vera juice – normalizes tissue metabolism, which results in the accelerated formation of new structural units of the erectile tissue.

Important! Before using a folk remedy, consult your doctor, as some herbs can cause allergic reactions and nausea.

With the help of folk remedies is possible not only affect the parameters of the reproductive organ and increase male fertility. In addition, using folk recipes of biostimulants can affect the strength of the erection immediately before intercourse. Herbs increase sexual stamina and to stimulate the maximum filling of the cavernous bodies with blood.

Vacuum, vacuum

What is the means to rapidly increase the volume of the phallus? Vacuum therapy is the most reliable and effective method to increase reproductive organ. Traditionally, thickening of the shaft of the penis by means of a so-called vacuum pumps. The essence of your job is to create a low pressure around the penis, resulting in the fabric literally "draw" a large amount of blood. Therefore, there is a stretching of the corpus cavernosum members, which its diameter is increased by 1-2 cm.

To make a vacuum pump you can improvise. With the advice as a vacuum pump, you can easily use ordinary glass jars. "Work" on the principle of cupping-glasses, of which this burning of the wick is displaced portion of hot air. This, in turn, leads to a decrease of the atmospheric pressure to the interior of the tank. National method can be used not only in the treatment of colds, but also to increase the volume of the penis.

Use the banks for penis enlargement, you must do the following:

  • wash a jar with a volume of 1 litre of soap solution;
  • immersion in the alcohol a small piece of cotton wool;
  • cream wool throw at the bottom of the bell;
  • enter in the hole of the banks the penis;
  • firmly press the Bank to the pubic region.

For a few seconds fleece extinguished and discharged the air will be cool and start to shrink. The atmospheric pressure will be lower than that of the environment. In this sense, the tissue of the penis, quickly, began to fill with blood, causing the stretching of the corpora cavernosa. Using methods of penis enlargement, we must not forget about their own safety. To avoid injury of the tissues, incinerated only a small piece of wool. Otherwise possible occurrence of burns on the surface of the penis.

Suspension of loading

means for penis enlargement

Suspension of cargo – the most simple and effective method to lengthen the phallus. As a weighting factor, it is recommended to use a bottle full of water. Before lifting the load, to heat the tissues of the penis in the manner described above. During the financial year must strictly adhere to the following rules:

  • sit on the edge of the bed, with a little spread of the legs;
  • wrap the trunk member in the head with a bandage elastic;
  • secure the sale of stationery rubber band;
  • type in a bottle of plain water;
  • one end of the rope, tie the neck of the bottle, and the second is the metal clamp;
  • ensure the clamp at the top of the bandage stretch and slowly stand up; stretch a member not more than 10-15 minutes a day.

According to practical observations, the folk remedies of increase of a member is less effective than traditional methods, which are recognized by modern medicine. However, the increase of the member of the traditional methods, the risk of undermining your health, what can be said about the use of hormonal drugs and dietary supplements of dubious quality.